My Posts
I just LOVE Wet Your Whistle
I just LOVE Wet Your Whistle. Im sitting here waiting for Direct tv and its raining all around me but Im nice and dry on the deck. The View, speechless.
Great Smoky Mtn Jeep Invasion
It was so awesome taking clients to see property and experiencing the energy and excitement of the Jeep invasion. It ran from Aug 23 to 25. And Pigeon Forge was literally swarming with jeeps everywhere. Most all were Wranglers but there were other types sprinkled in....
Wish I could bill ATT for the HOURS
I wish I could charge back the hours to ATT on my bills for all the services we are forced to have with them. The past few weeks I have spent an average of 15 hours a week on the phone with ATT and Direct TV just getting all the accounts installed, updated, working. I...
There are Bears
My cleaners for Hillhouse messaged me that a bear really wanted the trash. Check out these pictures. If you own a Vacation Rental Cabin In the Smokies. I highly recommend Bear Proof Containers
Local Flair
Since moving to East TN. Im always getting asked what is there to do around here so much so that Im going to start posting the places I know, have seen, or heard of. Just because. Rafting. I have had 3 guests ask about a favorite place. SMOKY MOUNTAIN RIVER RAT is...
New Adventures in Tennessee
Our new cabins in Wears Valley! Cherokee Sunset and Wet Your Whistle. Sharing a few photos. Check out those AMAZING views. LISTED on airbnb by July.
Why airbnb is currently my favorite host site!
Hopefully I will never have to use this and experience the process but it sure does feel better having the coverage.
Airbnb paying tax for TN
I received a letter from Airbnb "Hi Rhonda,Great news! If you have a listing in Tennessee State, Airbnb will start remitting the following tax(es) for all reservations booked on or after March 01, 2018: State Sales Tax Local Sales Tax Guests will see a separate line...
SUPER HOST and Icy weather
I received an email this week notifing me of my NEW SUPER HOST status...Woohoo... At the same time I have two guests blocked in by bad weather conditions. But OH So beautiful.